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Posts by Freya
I don't remember where to open Core Conundrum Solution after collecting 3 fragments (A,B,C) and the decryption potion. Tera Wiki does not have the locations.
Exodor CryptogramsExodor Cryptograms or Core-Blasted Riddle is yet another treasure hunt, similar to Naslow's Treasure Maps or Intelligence Reports. Added in patch 88 in…tera.fandom.comDo you know?
Edit: I found it on GameForge's www page (with different names of the items)
I found the giant tree
3 mobs and a crystal spawned after opening it. They dropped 19 Core-Blasted Shards.
Hello Satsuri
1. Joined another guild 2 weeks ago. There is some guild action.
2. The group needs 5 people, they cannot take 6 or 7. There are two reasons for not taking me with: 1. the group is full 2. they want to go for an instance which is too high for me. I can find some groups though, although it is not easy. They would just prefer to go for runs which make sense to them. Besides those letters I combined, I have collected 45 H, 21 R, 17 Z, 22 T, 43 N - so you can see that there were some groups. You can use it for statistics and see that the possibility for E is simply not sufficient in this event and make it better next time.
3. Discord is not available when I play on my old computer, it can run only Tera. When I play in another house on my new computer, I can write in Discord, but I never got any group that way. I got only flamed.
4. Using LFG channel, only the ingame one works for me though (sometimes).
5. I have a long friendslist, but I don't spam them. Attempt for opening the friendslist freezes the game.
6. Sorry, that point with the grey gear +15 is irrelevant. That tells only who can enter the instance, not who can play it, and definitely not who will play it. Much more is required than that. I can enter any instance, but I cannot play the top 6 of them (yet). I would be happy to go for lower instances, like Velik Underground or Red Refuge, but the number of people interested in those seems to be very limited.
No, I don't expect you to make any groups for me. But when you make the next event, you can think of making it possible to play for everyone. Thank you.
Hello Freya,
like MSC alrady told you, you could have done the lower dungens with the Question Mark. These can also be done solo. If u want to make it solo.
Kind Reguards.Hello Satsuri
The original question was: "What is stopping you from completing the Dark Reach Citadel instance more often?" Please scroll up to see it.
Now to answer your comment: Out of all Question Marks collected in lower dungeons, there was not a single E.
Anyway, I have got 2 more runs with a group in the Dark Reach Citadel, and this time I received wonderful 12 Amethysts! Thank you so much!
So, if you ask what prevents me from collecting more Question Marks, it is exactly that.
Do you mean your question seriously? There is one minor thing stopping me from completing the Dark Reach Citadel: it cannot be done solo. There are two minor things stopping me from completing the Sky Cruiser HM: it cannot be done solo and it is too high for me, I cannot do that even with a group. Why is it HM and not NM?
Groups would go for the instances which make sense for them, where they can get items needed for their progress. The Dark Reach Citadel is not one of them.
I hope for more luck in the next event.
Dear OltSoldat
Everything would be fine if the letters for the event could be collected at places people go anyway. Then even small rewards or a random chance for no rewards would be OK. Adding "E" to some more instances would fix it. The "Old Tera" had letters drop from random mobs too (with low chance, but they dropped). I don't know how difficult it is to make, I only write that it was done that way. There were also NPCs trading the combinations of letters for some chests giving more or less useful items, so there was some use for the excessive letters too this way.
Thank you!
We have tried Tene for getting the missing E letters for this event the other day. I have got a great present out of combining the letters: 11 Amethysts! Wow! I have to say thank you very much indeed! Since the other group members got also very valuable presents, and considering the great items we could get in Tene, we decided not to do that anymore. Maybe this event would fit better to April 1?
Congratulations Skalette!
I have the same problem today. It is stuck. I have posted this issue two times in the bug section during the last 2 months and both posts were closed, although the issue has not been solved.
Therefore, I would like to kindly ask the administrator not to remove unsolved problems from the board. Others may find inspiration there to what others have tried, what helped, and what did not help. Thank you!
And a fresh picture, it has been like that for 3 hours:
Hello Freya,
i am very sorry that it seems to be very hard for you to find a party but there are a lot of people who run dungens and a few already opend around 20 presents.
The event itself has nothing to do if a party is formed. Not every day everyone can play. I for example still hav to work even if it is a Saturday.Hope you will find a party soon.
It has not been 1 day since the event has started. I have been asking in each party since the event start. No interest in Tene, except for one run at the very start. I have got 1 E letter so far.
OK. Now I understand the original point. Maybe I was lucky, maybe it was an unusual time. But now it is also very difficult for me to play TERA. The game is not designed for solo! It depends on other people. When they don't want to play with me, I am doomed.
I have improved a lot since my post on Nov 12. - and now I cannot play because nobody else wants to! Could someone suggest please how they find people for playing their instances? I am not picky, I would go also to lower dungeons. But it seems that nobody really reads the World tab and nobody uses that LFG (Y-key) function. It is frustrating.
update: the 3rd attempt worked and it runs now.
Anyway, I would suggest to write here on the forum if there is an extra update. It can be done with Wednesdays' maintenance and updates, why not with Friday's?
I don't see the old post either, it was like a month ago, same issue.
OK, I try again. It takes around 30 minutes to "check files".
What happend to my previous post? The issue has not been solved.
The server went down today (December 13) - although no update or maintenance was announced, and then the client asked for an update. It got stuck at 96% again, not downloading anything. The usual tricks do not help.
The update after the regular maintence on Dec 11 did not cause any problems. But today's "secret" update is causing them.
I tried to download everything again with the result that this time it got stuck at 98%.
I cannot confirm this, being one of the little ones. It is not difficult for me to find groups, there are many nice people around.
It is hard for me to get better gear to be able to join them in higher instances. It requires some patience.
Thank you. I did that earlier, it did not help. I tried something else: I let it stay at 99% for 2 hours. It did not help either, but then I tried to manually download the client. That helped to open the way for those last few missing packets and the launcher completed updating (while I had something like 15% of the manual download completed)