I am aveteran player and can do the higher difficulty dungs with some ppl on the server that are geared and have the same knowledge of the game as me.
I believe those ppl just like me would like to have the chance to min/max their gear.
But at the current state of the game this is impossible..
As i said i have done many runs of arna and da for accesories(rings/earrings necklace circlet)
The amount of gold scrolls i have for reroll is 3 and also to even have the chance to keep 1 rool u may have u need 500 essenses by dismantling accesories u dont want.
Dont u think that amount is terrible?Can it be adjusted to like 50?
Cos in retail we had the chance to buy from broker shit stat ones and dismantle for very low cost.and it was still awful.
My suggestion is to increase drop of blue/gold reroll scrolls in instances and lowr the amount of essenses needed fro reroll.
I know this is very end game issue but u have those players too.
Looking forward to your thoughts.