Hello there, I've been playing tera for a long time and, as an old tera player People has been asking me what HPM (hit per minute) they should have with their classes.
To answer this question I have made a program who reads a json file extracted from shinra meter.
For each player you have : global remarks (how many death if any, for how long etc)
then the DPS on the picture below 22 325 552dps (22,3m)
then a table with the following :
the skill name
what are your hpm compared to what it's expected to be(❌if you're below expected hpm, 🔵 if you're in the expected hpm range, ✅if you're above expected hpm range)
a comment if the hpm are above or below expected,
the hpm of the player, and the min expected and the max expected.
Below there's general remarks, here one arcan barage diden't went through the boss before exploding and some hits of tb and bombardment diden't hit
below that in green the unchained skill (technically most classes has chainning mecanics just invisible)
And here is where i need you, Please help me define what are acceptable HPM foreach class and what extra tiny things I can look at foreach class.